Armorial Panel of the Locher Family

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Armorial Panel of the Locher Family in Zurich

Zurich, 1667
From the church at Otelfingen (Zurich canton)

45 x 45cm
Clear and polychrome moulded glasses, a particularly beautiful dark-red flashed glass, painted with black vitreous paint, yellow silver stain, and an intensive shiny enamel blue; inscription lost.


This panel belongs to a cycle in the church at Otelfingen, which was founded in 1667 by a group of Zurich families. The Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum in Zurich holds two panels with the arms and names of the Grebel, Trüb and Waser families. Since the inscription is missing, the ascription to the Locher family has been made on stylistic grounds, by comparison with the extant panels in Zurich.

Two individuals may be considered candidates for donor of this panel: Hans Konrad Locher (1619–1690), who was merchant taylor, armoury alderman (1678), corn master (1683), and senior bailiff of Birmensdorf (from 1674); or Hans Jakob Locher (1630–1691), merchant prince, councillor (1680), and senior bailiff of Wollishofen (from 1680).

​Jenny Schneider, Glasgemälde: Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zürich, 2 vols, Stäfa, 1970, II, nos. 628–30, pp. 321f., pls on pp. 429f.

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Armorial panel, stained-glass painting